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「 博拿大佛塔 世界文化遺產 」和「 藍毗尼佛陀誕生地的菩提樹園 」在台灣,這兩件事是「 國際大事 」

2023-04-24 10:08    作者:中華世界尼泊爾博      VIEW:


In Taiwan, both the "Boudhanath Stupa World Heritage Site" and the " Lumbini Bodhi Tree Park, the birthplace of the Buddha" are international events.

2003年11月在尼泊爾首都加德滿都,第四世欽尼亞喇嘛 Ganesh Bajra先生親自將代表第三世欽尼亞喇嘛 Punya Bajra的信物,法衣、法帽、法杖、 手鼓、鈴杵與代表「身、語、意」的佛像以及蓮師唐卡交予 李福添上師。認證 李福添上師為『蓮花生大士 身口意 應化身』,李上師帶著這個傳承和祝願回到台灣,發願要在台灣建造一座博拿大佛塔,庇佑芸芸眾生。

In November 2003, in the Nepalese capital of Kathmandu, Mr. Ganesh Bajra, the 4th Chiniya Lama, personally presented the token of the 3rd Chiniya Lama Punya Bajra, including robe, hat, staff, hand drum, bell, Buddha statues representing "body, speech, and mind," and the Padmasambhava Tangka, to Master Lee Fu-tian. Master Lee Fu-tian was certified as the "Padmasambhava of Body, Speech, and Mind." With this inheritance and blessing, Master Lee returned to Taiwan, vowing to build a Boudhanath Stupa in Taiwan to bless all beings.

    加拿大佛塔是世上重要的密宗聖地之ㄧ,十九世紀中葉起「欽尼亞喇嘛」 (Chiniya Lama) 家族,世代守護著博拿大佛塔。傳承至第二世「欽尼亞喇嘛 Buddha Bajra」為蓮師『意』化身,曾預言,未來將有「聖者」來幫助博拿大佛塔。第三世「欽尼亞喇嘛 Punya Bajra」更進一步「預言」,幫助博拿大佛塔的聖者因緣在台灣。為了找尋「預言裡的聖者」第四世「欽尼亞喇嘛 Ganesh Bajra」巧埋因緣來台灣。他的父親欽尼亞喇嘛龐亞巴則臘(Chiniya Lama punya Bajra) 經常告訴他有一天會有ㄧ位聖者來到並幫助博拿大佛塔,看來這個預言已經成真。

    2004年2月18日正式邀請 李福添上師訪問「尼泊爾」,並以外賓通關禮儀親自至機場迎接,隨後以尼泊爾王室皇家馬車及108位喇嘛以密宗最高禮儀迎接 李福添上師,並授證李福添上師蓮花生大士『身 語 意』位階認證書。

Boudhanath Stupa is one of the most important sacred sites in the world of Tibetan Buddhism. Since the mid-19th century, the Chiniya Lama family has been guarding the Boudhanath Stupa from generation to generation. The 2nd Chiniya Lama, Buddha Bajra, was believed to be the incarnation of Padmasambhava's "mind," and he prophesied that a " ARYA (saint)" would come to help the Boudhanath Stupa in the future. The 3rd Chiniya Lama, Punya Bajra, further "predicted" that the ARYA (saint ) who would help the Boudhanath Stupa would come from Taiwan due to certain circumstances.

To find the "ARYA (saint)" prophesied, the 4th Chiniya Lama, Ganesh Bajra, came to Taiwan by chance. His father, Chiniya Lama Punya Bajra, often told him that one day a ARYA (saint) would come to help the Boudhanath Stupa, and it seems that this prophecy has come true.

On February 18th, 2004, Lee Fu-tian, the master, was formally invited to visit Nepal. He was personally welcomed at the airport by a special protocol for foreign guests. Later, the royal carriage of the Nepalese monarchy and 108 lamas welcomed Lee Fu-tian with the highest tantric ritual in Nepal. And certified Lee Fu-tian as a master of the “Body, Speech, and Mind” and granted him a certification for the title of Padmasambhava.

2004年5月 在台北圓山大飯店12樓舉辦 『 全國佛教世界和平祈大法會 』 密宗四大教派在台灣五百多位仁波切、堪布、格西與刺嘛,共同認證 李福添上師為『 噶當巴法座傳承 』 時任蒙藏委員會 理事長 覺安慈仁先生表示:

「今天首次舉辦全國佛教世界和平祈願大法會,這是前所未有的ㄧ件大事,經過與會相關的仁波切喇嘛研究之後,我們決定恢復非常殊勝而歷史悠久的『佛教噶當派的法脈傳承』,並且我們支持 李上師來領導這個教派,為了慎重起見我們將會舉辦一個完整的『噶當派法座認證儀式』。 李上師是ㄧ位很了不起的修行者,過去多年來實修密法,平時也很少對外傳法、灌頂,也不喜歡名號。但是為了讓佛教在台灣永續發展及紮根,他同意1接受這個重責大任。佛教在台灣未來的發展是光明的。」

In May 2004, the "National Buddhist World Peace Prayer Assembly" was held on the 12th floor of the Grand Hotel in Taipei. Over 500 rinpoches, khenpos, geshes, and lamas from the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan jointly certified Lee Fu-tian as the "Kadam Throne Lineage". At that time, the Chairman of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission, Mr. Kao An-ci-ren, made a statement:

Today, we are holding the “National Buddhist World Peace Prayer Assembly” for the first time, which is an unprecedented event. After careful consideration and research by the attending rinpoches and lamas, we have decided to restore the highly auspicious and ancient lineage of the Kadam sect of Buddhism, and we support Lee Fu-tian to lead this sect. To be cautious, we will hold a complete “Kadam Throne Certification Ritual”. Lee Fu-tian is an extraordinary practitioner who has been practicing tantric Buddhism for many years. He rarely teaches or gives empowerments publicly and does not seek fame or recognition. However, in order to ensure the sustainable development of Buddhism in Taiwan, he has accepted this important responsibility. The future of Buddhism in Taiwan is bright.

2011年8月 第六代第四世 欽尼亞喇嘛(Ganesh Bajra)先生,供放 李上師法相入博拿大佛塔旁蓮花生大士祖廟並舉行法會儀式。

In August 2011, the 6th generation of the 4th Chiniya Lama, the Ganesh Bajra Lama  was held the ritual at the Padmasambhava Temple next to the Boudhanath Stupa in Nepal, where Lee Fu-tian's image and teachings were enshrined, and a puja was performed.

供放 李上師法相入博拿大佛塔旁蓮花生大士祖廟

根據尼泊爾文化部考古司文獻記載,博拿大佛塔在1960年時周邊為農村 (1960年 佛塔周邊紀錄 照片),除了佛塔周邊農舍房屋聚集外,其餘所見皆是農田 (1979年 佛塔周邊紀錄照片)。

According to the records of the Department of Archaeology under the Nepalese Ministry of Culture, in 1960, the Boudhanath Stupa was surrounded by rural areas with houses and farms. Apart from the clusters of houses and farms around the stupa, the surrounding areas were mostly farmland, as evidenced by photographs taken in 1960 and 1979.

1979年博拿大佛塔被聯合國列為世界文化遺產後,大量的觀光及朝聖人潮來到,改變了當地的商業模式,也吸引了國際飯店的進駐,使得商業、觀光飛快發展 (2017年空拍圖),當地居民收入和生活品質也因此有所提升。

 After the Boudhanath Stupa was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979, there was a significant increase in tourism and pilgrimage to the area, which changed the local business model. The influx of visitors also attracted international hotels to the area, leading to rapid development in commerce and tourism (as shown in aerial photographs from 2017). As a result, the local residents have seen improvements in their income and quality of life.


公元前563年摩耶夫人於藍毗尼菩提聖母樹下誕下佛祖 釋迦摩尼,菩提樹象徵著佛祖的「誕生」與「證悟」; 十九歲那年佛祖 釋迦摩尼出家。三十五歲時於菩提樹下證悟,並開始宣揚佛法

團隊拜訪前尼泊爾駐日大使,大使提及,311日本大地震時尼泊爾曾贈送日本天皇菩提樹的分枝,期許能撫平震災的傷痛,更象徵國與國之間的交流。所以在2013年尼泊爾政府決定將菩提樹分枝禮敬 李福添上師,祝福在台灣興建博拿大佛塔能順利圓滿,更深的意涵是『 這是佛法的傳承 』,向世界推廣佛學文化和認識世界遺產,菩提樹的分枝來到台灣也象徵著『佛法的傳承』。對於世界的旅遊、經濟、文化、藝術和菩提慈悲的傳承有重要意義,同時也能為世界帶來和平。

In the year 563 BCE, Mayadevi gave birth to the founder of Buddhism, Sakayamuni, under the sacred Bodhi tree in Lumbini. The Bodhi tree symbolizes the Buddha's "birth" and "enlightenment". At the age of nineteen, Sakayamuni became a monk. At the age of thirty-five, he attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree and began preaching the teachings of Buddhism.

Prior to a team visit to Nepal, the Nepalese Ambassador to Japan mentioned that after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Nepal gifted a branch of the Bodhi tree to the Emperor of Japan as a symbol of hope to soothe the pain and suffering caused by the disaster, as well as to signify the exchange between nations. In 2013, the Nepalese government decided to present a branch of the Bodhi tree to Master Li Fu-Tien as a sign of respect and to offer blessings for the successful completion of the Boudhanath Stupa in Taiwan. This gesture has a deeper meaning of "inheritance of dharma" promoting Buddhist culture and recognizing world heritage to the world. The arrival of the branch of the Bodhi tree in Taiwan symbolizes the “inheritance of dharma ". This gesture has significant implications for world travel, economy, culture, art, and the transmission of Buddhist compassion, as it can also bring peace to the world.

博拿地區發展委員會主席 Sampoorna 協助尼泊爾政府將菩提聖母樹分枝授予 李福添上師,於2013年12月8日 舉行「世界和平祈福法會」,會中授證 李福添上師建造博拿大佛塔授權書及禮敬 藍毗尼園菩提聖母樹分枝幼苗2株予 李上師,象徵佛法精神傳承生生不息,以及對台灣寶島全體的祝福。 

Chairman Sampoorna of the Bona Development Committee assisted the Nepalese government in granting a branch of the Bodhi tree to Master Lee Fu-Tien. On December 8, 2013, the " National Buddhist World Peace Prayer Assembly " was held, during which Master Lee Fu-Tien was authorized to build the Bona Great Buddha Stupa and was given two saplings of the Lumbini Garden Bodhi tree branch as a symbol of the continuous inheritance of dharma and blessings to all of beings in Taiwan.

2015年1月尼泊爾政府國會議員代表團來台,尼泊爾副總統兒子Jha表示: 「這基本上是台灣和尼泊爾之間在經濟交流和友誼上的第一步,我們非常樂見在未來的日子裡,台灣和尼泊爾能有越來越多的交流。你們從尼泊爾帶回來的兩棵小樹,在這裡真的很好很健康,同時也敬佩你們為這兩棵小樹所做的一切,這真的很了不起。我希望這兩棵樹可以長得非常高大,也許五年或十年後我們會很開心再次來到這裡,希望在大佛塔園區,見到它們非常健壯宏偉的樣子。我只想說非常感謝你們為菩提樹所做的一切,非常感謝各位。」

In January 2015, a delegation of Nepalese government parliament members visited Taiwan. Jha, the son of the Vice President of Nepal, stated that "This is basically the first step in economic exchange and friendship between Taiwan and Nepal. We are very happy to see that there will be more and more exchanges between Taiwan and Nepal in the future. The two small trees that you brought back from Nepal are really healthy and thriving here, and we also admire everything you have done for these two small trees. This is really impressive. I hope these two trees will grow very tall. Maybe in five or ten years, we will be very happy to come back here and see them in a very strong and magnificent state in the Great Buddha Stupa Park. I just want to say thank you very much for everything you have done for the Bodhi Tree. Thank you very much.”


2018年2月27日行政院農委會同意,除了來自尼泊爾的兩株「菩提樹株」苗之外,後續扦插的21株植株可以先解除管制。直到2021年10月1日 行政院農委會終於同意解禁兩株「菩提母株」,歷時8年之久,實屬不易。

On February 27, 2018, the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan approved the lifting of restrictions on 21 plant cuttings, except for two “Bodhi tree” from Nepal. Finally, on October 1, 2021, the Council of Agriculture agreed to lift the ban on the two “Bodhi tree mother plants” after eight years of effort, which was not an easy task.


千年前 摩耶夫人於藍毗尼菩提樹下誕下 佛祖 釋迦摩尼

千年後 藍毗尼菩提母樹的分枝,隨著「傳承」飄洋過海來到台灣,我們的菩提樹從這裡開始....

A thousand years ago, Mayadevi gave birth to the Buddha, Sakayamuni, under the Bodhi tree at Lumbini. A thousand years later, a branch of the Bodhi tree at Lumbini, carried by the "inheritance", drifted across the sea to Taiwan. Our Bodhi tree started from here...


每個人「輩子的花園、輩子的去處、輩子想來的地方」 放鬆、自在、自由的空間如同一輩子的『家』

Everyone's 'garden for a lifetime,' 'destination for a lifetime,' and 'place to always come back to' is like a lifelong 'home,' a space for relaxation, ease, and freedom.



「博拿大佛塔」和「佛祖誕生地的菩提園」這兩個世界文化遺產級的地標在台灣,將會是「國際級的朝聖園區」,讓「世界走向台灣」; 對觀光旅遊、經濟發展、地方外交、文化藝術和菩提慈悲的傳承具有重要的意義,同時能帶來和平。

自4月9日起,博拿大佛塔宣傳車在台北發車宣傳,在理事 長陳麗芳不辭辛勞的努力之下,讓更多人知道「博拿大佛塔 和 藍毗尼佛祖誕生地的 菩提園 」在台灣 !

The two world heritage landmarks in Taiwan, the "Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center" and the "Bodhi Garden, the Birthplace of Lord Buddha," will become an "international pilgrimage site," bringing the world to Taiwan. This will have significant implications for tourism, economic development, local diplomacy, cultural arts, and the propagation of Bodhi compassion, while also promoting peace.

Starting on April 9th, the promotional vehicle for the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center has been launched in Taipei for advertising. Thanks to the hard work of the director, Chen Li-fang, more people will now be aware of the "Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center" and the "Bodhi Garden, the Birthplace of Lord Buddha" in Taiwan!





聯絡電話: 02-2495-8188

Press Release Provider:

Chinese World Nepal Buddha Stupa Association,

Chinese Lumbini The Fountain of World Peace Garden Association

Chinese World Boudha Stupa Preparatory Team

Contact Phone: 02-2495-8188


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