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Chinese Imperial Examination System in Taiwan, Influence of Confucianism

2021-09-09 16:22 作者:北京市臺聯   來源:北京市臺聯   閱覽:

第二集 科举制度在台湾——文脉相连 简介






One Hundred years of Glory

Episode TWO: Chinese Imperial Examination System in Taiwan, Influence of Confucianism

 The short video series of One Hundred years of Glory planed and produced by the Beijing Taiwan compatriots Association, starts with the historical origin of the Beijing Taiwan Guild Hall and ends with a long history of cultural exchanges between people on both sides of the Strait.  Through the video, we can review the history of exchanges between Beijing and Taiwan, we can always remember the profound friendship between compatriots on both sides of the Strait, and we can look forward to the future of the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.


 The second episode describes the historical and cultural origin of the imperial examination system in Taiwan, and the special preferential policies of the Qing government to Taiwan candidates.


 During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Chinese traditional culture was introduced to Taiwan with the Fujian residents.  After the unification of Taiwan, the Qing government began to set up prefecture and county schools and implemented the imperial examination system in Taiwan. In order to encouraged Taiwan students to take the imperial examination, the Qing government provided preferential and safeguard measures for Taiwan candidates.


 Under the influence of Confucianism, Taiwan students participated in the imperial examination, and became officials of Qing Government through they passed the exams, it is a strong proof of the integration of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits cultural, political and education system.  The imperial examination system had a great impact on the social development of Taiwan, especially on the inheritance of patriotism.


