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Five Taiwanese's statement initiated Joint Petition Movement

2021-09-15 07:05 作者:北京市臺聯   來源:北京市臺聯   閱覽:

第四集 五人上书:先天下之忧而忧





One Hundred years of Glory

Episode Four: Five Taiwanese's statement initiated Joint Petition Movement

 The short video series of One Hundred years of Glory planed and produced by the Beijing Taiwan compatriots Association, starts with the historical origin of the Beijing Taiwan Guild Hall and ends with a long history of cultural exchanges between people on both sides of the Strait.  Through the video, we can review the history of exchanges between Beijing and Taiwan, we can always remember the profound friendship between compatriots on both sides of the Strait, and we can look forward to the future of the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.


 The fourth episode describes the feat of 5 Taiwanese who submit a written statement to the Court of Censors of Qing Government against ceding Taiwan.


 In 1894, the Sino Japanese War broke out and China was defeated. The defeated Qing government signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki with Japan on April 17, 1895, ceded Taiwan and Penghu to Japan.

 When the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait learned of the news, the people were burn with rage.  The statement written by these five people opened the prelude to the Joint Petition movement, and stimulated the Chinese people's sense of urgency to save the nation from extinction.  Taiwan compatriots have written a glorious record in the history of struggle of resistance against Japan.


